Budget or be Broke!

Budget or be Broke!

The whole budgeting discussion is not a pleasurable conversation. Most people budget for an objective, such as a car, college, and even home but rarely keep the same drive and focus. It is very easy to fall off track especially without someone keeping and holding you accountable for your actions or inactions.


The financial discipline to stay on task and is often at times impossible one might say. A new 2021 survey shows the pandemic has led more Americans to rein in their spending.

Some findings of the 2021 survey include:

  • 88% said everyone should budget.
  • Over 60% said they prefer pen and paper while the other 9% use Apps for budgeting.
  • 62% said they will save throughout the year for holidays compared to 33% in 2019 who said the same.

The model to budgeting strongly suggests that you’re much better with it than without it and the statistical data places you in a position to have less money. One could argue that with all new technology and the ability to get a paycheck, clear at deposit at noon, then be completely tapped out by 12.30 pm is a real reality.

Simply put, become more disciplined or run the risk of being broke.