EM utilizes the following mediums (Magazine, TV/YouTube Channel, Radio, Podcast, and E-Learning) as an approach to reach all four demographics. Learning styles varies within each
demographics. The guidance from EM’s research teams and collaborative partners assist in identifying which medium is best suited for which generation.
YouTube Channel:
Equity Movement TV: Expansion Coming Soon! Roku, FireStick and Apple The Equity Movement Television Show will air on Wednesday and Saturdays. Eyeconic TV reaches approximately 7 million viewers covering Houston Metropolitan area, inner and outer loop from League City to Conroe and via Stream. The expansion of Roku, Fire Stick and Apple TV will triple the
viewership and allow members and nonmembers to see the show on 4 times zones.
The TV show will host interviews, commercials, and share a variety of ways to capture viewership. We will have studio sheets and offsite segments to illustrate the power of the movement as well as the benefits. In the Interim: Checkout EM’s YouTube Channel.
The Radio Show will be in multiple cities with Cleveland and Houston being the initial cities to launch.
The Equity Movement Magazine produces 6 Editions a year both digital and some print versions reach 168,000 digitally. Printed copies are distributed at conferences, seminars, training, conventions and other educational in-person events. The Equity Movement will speak to stories of everyday life of both, good and rebounding experiences and with consumers, professionals, and experts that align with its’ 14 resources. EM will have digital video capabilities share 30 second and one-minute sound bites to convey importance of the subject matter. This way our partners and advertisers will connect to the members.

Click here to view our current digital version
WAA Podcast:
A collaborative partnership between Equity Movement Enterprises, Inc. and Women’s Inflection Point, this Podcast is designed to enrich women’s financial acumen to aid them in acquiring the wealth they desire and deserve utilizing EM’s 14 financial Resources.
Equity e-learning:
This online platform serves as the ongoing training portal to support all of the Equity Movement Enterprises, Inc.’s Resources and much more. We launched the platform with a special Pandemic Series in partnership with Women’s Inflection Point. This series focused on not only financial wellness, but mental, social and emotional wellness as well. Future curriculums topics will be added quarterly and will cover becoming financially fit utilizing Equity Movement’s 14 Financial Resources at your own pace.
The Radio Show will be syndicated with plans to launch 4 th Quarter 2020.